Autre utilitaire
Freeflash 0.1
Taille du fichier : 39.68 Ko
Nombre de téléchargements : 1762
Nombre de vues : 17685
Description rapide : permet de recevoir des OS non signés par TI
Auteur de l'archive : ExtendeD
Calculatrices concernées : TI-89 TI-92+ TI-V200 TI-89Ti
Hardware concernés : HW1 HW2 HW3
ROMs (AMS) supportés : AMS1.00~1.05 AMS2.01~2.05 AMS2.07~2.09 AMS3.00~3.10 PedroM
Langage de programmation utilisé : C
Description Complète : ======================================================================

- FreeFlash v0.1 for TI-89/TI-89 Titanium/TI-92+/Voyage 200 -


_____ _____ _ _
~ Universal TI68k Operating System Receiver ~

[ Copyright, license and disclaimer ]

[ Compatibility list ]

I. What is FreeFlash?

II. Using FreeFlash

III. Troubleshooting

IV. Recommendations

V. Miscellaneous questions and answers

VI. Related stuff

VII. Reporting bugs

VIII. Contacting the author

IX. History

X. Thanks

Copyright, license and disclaimer


Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Olivier Armand

You are not allowed to re-distribute this package or any part of it

without the authorization of the author. Freeflash is a type of

software which needs to be kept up-to-date. Limiting its

re-distribution is the best way to ensure this. Give a link to's archives instead of copying the package.

This program is provided "as is" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either

express or implied. In no event can the author be held responsible for

any damages (including, but not limited to, hardware failure, data

loss and/or certificate memory corruption), whether or not they result

(directly or indirectly) from the use of this program. Use this

program at your own risk.

Compatibility list


This version of FreeFlash has been run successfully only on the

following configurations. You may encounter problems when using it

with other hardware or software environments.

FSign and Tib2xxu:

- Microsoft Windows

- Mac OS X

- Linux

FFlash (TI's AMS until v3.00 or PedroM as host OS):

- TI-89 HW1, HW2, and Special Edition

- TI-89 Titanium

- TI-92+ HW2

- TI Voyage 200

- Calc-to-calc OS transfers on TI-89 HW2 and TI Voyage 200

I. What is FreeFlash?


FreeFlash is a universal Operating System receiver. Use it to install

unofficial OS (i.e. not signed by Texas Instruments).

FreeFlash has been designed to be compatible with as many existing

TI68k calculator models as possible and to be as independent as it can

be of the OS used to run it. It can even be run on PedroM.

FreeFlash also supports the two ways of calculator flashing: the

sender device can be either a calculator of the same model as the

receiver, or a computer.

II. Using FreeFlash


Flashing a calculator with FreeFlash is realized in three steps:

- Preparing ('FSigning') the Operating System to send. This is done

on a computer with the program FSign. This step may be optional if

you are trying a calculator-to-calculator transfer.

- Initializing the transfer. This is done on the receiving calculator

by running the program FreeFlash.

- Sending the FSigned Operating System, in the usual way.

This documentation assumes that you know what 'flashing' an OS means

and how to do it. Refer to the calculator's manual if you don't know

and try a standard OS flashing without FreeFlash before using it.

i) FSigning the OS


The program FSign prepares the MD5 signature of the OS to send so that

the calculator-side program FFlash is able to work.

Simply run the Windows program 'fsign.exe' available in the folder

'fsign' of the distribution and choose with the file browser the OS

you want to send. The file formats .tib and .??u are supported.

Then choose a destination file name for the FSigned OS. You can

overwrite the original OS file if you do not need it in its original

form anymore. The default destination file name in the dialog box is

the original file name with '_ff' appended.

For Unix systems, please read the FAQ.

Note that if you are sending an OS from a calculator and not from a

computer, this step is not required. But the OS of the sending

calculator *must* be an FSigned one in this case, i.e. the sending

calculator must but have been flashed before with a computer using

FSign and FreeFlash. Else the transfer will fail if the OS sent is not

an official one.

ii) Initializing the transfer


First *backup* the content of the receiving calculator (see the

section <Miscellaneous questions and answers> of this file for more

details). Then uninstall any kernel or TSR (Terminate but Stay Resident

programs). Resetting the calculator is the best way to ensure this.

Send the program 'fflash.??z' to the receiving calculator and run

it. A dialog box will ask if the OS sent has really been FSigned and

if you really want to continue the transfer, then the boot code of the

calculator will be run.

[ On AMS 1.xx, the message is displayed in the status bar and is

truncated, you won't be able to read it. Press Enter to continue or

Escape to abort. ]

If you have already flashed a calculator, you will recognize the

screen. The contrast may be too dark, you can adjust it with the

standard key-combo. Then press 'I' if asked by the message displayed

(this doesn't seem to be necessary on the TI-89 Titanium). Note that

we didn't need to go through the VAR-LINK menus of AMS (if you are

using AMS, TI's official Operating System).

A few boot code versions have a timeout control enabled after having

pressed 'I'. If you cannot send the OS because you have waited for too

long, you will have to remove a battery and put it back to reboot, and

run FFlash again.

iii) Sending the OS


Send the Operating System (the file which have been FSigned, not the

original one!) using your favorite linking program if sending it from

a computer, or using the VAR-LINK menus if sending AMS from another


If you are trying to send a TI-Base (*.tib file) with a linking

program which does not support this file format - for example TI

Connect, TI's official connectivity program - you can use the file

converter provided, Tib2xxu.

To convert the TI-Base file to a TI-Upgrade file (.89u, .v2u or .9xu),

run the Windows program 'tib2xxu.exe' available in the folder

'tib2xxu' of the distribution and choose with the file browser the TIB

file you want to convert (which should have already been

FSigned). Then choose a destination file name, and its file extension

(replace the '??' in the default name, this will determine the type of

the target calculator).

For Unix systems, please read the FAQ.

Now wait for the transfer to be completed. The newly installed OS will

normally boot a few seconds after.

III. Troubleshooting


i) I get an error message when FSigning


* "Infile is not a valid TIFL/TIB file.": you are trying to FSign an

OS file that is not in a valid format. The file may be corrupted.

* "The OS signature has already been modified.": you are perhaps

trying to FSign an OS file that has already been FSigned. This not

necessary: an OS needs only to be FSigned one time, even if you

change its content afterwards (by applying patches for example).

ii) I get an error message when running FFlash


* "Error: program is corrupted.": you are trying to run a corrupted

version of FFlash (the MD5 signature doesn't match). Download again

an original version of it.

* "Error: uninstall any TSR or kernel.": the current OS is hooked by

other programs. Uninstall these hooks or reset the calculator before

running FFlash.

* "Error #X: please send a bug report.", where 'X' is a number: FFlash

encountered an unexpected error. This is either a FFlash's bug, or

you are running it on an unsupported hardware or OS.

In any case please help the author to correct the problem. Send him

a bug report as described in the section <Reporting bugs> of this


iii) FFlash seems to crash/hang


Oooh, this should never happen. If it does, please send a bug report

to the author. See the section <Reporting bugs> for more details.

iv) The sender device displays a transmission error!

What should I do?


Don't worry. Even if this happens in the middle of the transfer, you

can restart the flashing from the beginning, by resending the FSigned

OS without turning off or resetting the calculator. FFlash will

continue to do its job as long as you don't remove the batteries.

v) Ooops, I have removed the batteries!


If you did this at the beginning of the transfer, while the percentage

displayed was still 0%, simply put them back to reboot the original


If you were further in the transfer, put them back to fall back on the

boot screen of your calculator. FFlash will *not* work anymore. You

need to send an original (not FSigned) version of AMS, found on TI's

web site, resource CD-ROM or with TI's linking program (TI Connect).

vi) I get an error message at the end of the transfer


You have reached 90-something percent of the transfer, and you get a

signature error on the sender or the receiver's screen, or an error

number is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

If you are sure to have followed correctly the steps described in

this document, then this may be a compatibility issue: your boot code

is not supported by FreeFlash, and this hasn't been detected before

the transfer. Please follow the instructions in the section <Reporting

bugs> of this document.

You will have to remove one of the batteries. Then follow the

instructions in section <Ooops, I have removed the batteries!>.

IV. Recommendations


* Do not try to send an FSigned OS with the utility called

TIB Receiver (see the section <Related stuff>). I do not know how it

reacts with the modifications brought by FSign on the MD5

signature. Anyway there is no point trying to do this.

* Do not try to send an FSigned OS in the usual way, i.e. without

running FFlash on the receiving calculator: you will end with a

'signature error' at the end of the transfer. In this case, remove

one of the batteries and follow the instructions in section

<Ooops, I have removed the batteries!> of part <Troubleshooting> of

this file.

* FreeFlash allows sending anything to the calculator, even buggy OS,

incompatible OS, or modified version of TI's AMS. The author

disclaims all responsibility of hardware failure or copyright


V. Miscellaneous questions and answers


Q: What will happen to my archived files after the transfer?

A: The archive memory will behave exactly like during a standard

transfer. You may lose some of your files, or all of them depending on

the Operating System or version of AMS sent. FreeFlash does not

control this in any way.

If the version of AMS from which FFlash is being run had been patched

with Xpand (Voyage 200 archive memory expander), you will loose many

files (those in the part of the archive memory unlocked by Xpand,

which is now locked again by the new AMS flashed).

In any case backuping the content of the calculator before flashing an

OS is a good practice, you should always do it.

Q: Can FreeFlash be used for calc-to-calc transfers?

A: Yes, if the OS sent has been previously FSigned. Don't be afraid by

the screen of the boot code: it can initialize a transmission even if

a calculator is at the other side of the cable. See the section <Using

FreeFlash> for more details.

Note this has not been tested on TI-92+ HW1 and may fail.

Q: What does FSign do exactly to the OS file?

A: The MD5 signature of the OS will be resized from 64 bytes to 66

bytes and its content will be changed. The new signature does not

depend on the OS: the OS can be modified even after having been


Q: I would like to have a look to FFlash's source code.

A: Sorry, the source code is not and will not be released for security


Q: I want to FreeFlash from by Linux Box.

A: fsign.exe and tib2xxu.exe are Windows programs. But you just have

to comment out the C preprocessor switch 'WINDOWS' of fsign.c or

tib2xxu.c to make them *nix command line tools, or to use it in batch

mode on Windows.


$ fsign infile.??u|.tib [outfile.??u|.tib]

'outfile' is optional. If omitted, the output file will overwrite

the input file.

$ tib2xxu infile.tib outfile.??u

The output file's extension will determine the target calculator

type. Note that tib2xxu is an independent tool, i.e. the OS file

can be FSigned before or after the convertion, or even not be


Q: Where does the name 'FreeFlash' come from?

A: Freedom to Flash.

Q: What a long ReadMe file... Are we reaching the end?

A: Just a few more details, keep reading.

VI. Related stuff


These tools can be downloaded from 's file archives.

* TIB Receiver, by Julien Muchembled: The first OS receiver.

Unfortunately its author has stopped updating it, so the latest

version has a limited support of AMS versions and calculator

models. This is why FreeFlash has been written.

* PedroM, by PpHd: The most efficient alternative OS at the

moment. Have a FreeFlash of this impressive project!

VII. Reporting bugs



1. You are using the latest version of FreeFlash available in's archives (

2. You have read all the sections of this document

3. You think you have found a bug not mentioned in this document, or

the <Troubleshooting> section recommends you to send a bug report

in your case

Then you should send a bug report to the author, who will try to

correct the problem if possible.

Include in your bug report the version number of FreeFlash, the

calculator model you are trying to flash, the OS (name and version)

used to run FFlash, the boot code revision number of the calculator,

the configuration of the transfer (what are you sending and from which

device) and a detailed description (including the exact error messages

if any) of the bug.

The bug report should be sent to the e-mail address given in the

section <Contacting the author>.

VIII. Contacting the author


Ask your questions and send bug reports and suggestions to:

Olivier Armand (aka ExtendeD) - <ola dot e-ml at wanadoo dot fr>

Please try to make "FreeFlash" appear in the subject of the e-mail.

Read the whole documentation before sending any e-mail.

I probably won't answer to questions on OS upgrading and calculator

resetting details described in the manual of the calculator (available

on TI's resource CD-ROM and web site) and connectivity problems

specific to the computer-side linking program you are using.

Keep in mind that all the components of FreeFlash are provided

without warranty. Do not blame me for calculators locked in the boot

code or which cannot be turned on anymore.

And I will not be able to help you on OS flashing for Z80-based TI

calculators. FreeFlash is and will remain a TI68k-only utility.

IX. History


2005-04-16: v0.1

* First public release after a flawless beta-testing.

PedroM V200 has been tested for the first time on a real calc!

A big thank you to all the testers.

fflash.??z files have not been changed since the beta-test, you can

trust them.

Bug Fixes:

- *NIX compatibility for FSign (thanks to Godzil)

- ReadMe.txt corrected

- '_ff' added at the end of the default outfile name for FSign on


New Features:

- Tib2xxu converter added

2004-12-05: beta 1

* First private beta release.


* First lines of code for the project.


* FreeFlash's basic concept discovered.

X. Thanks to:


* Sally, Nil and squale92 for providing me something I needed to

develop FreeFlash.

* Flanker, Godzil, lionelA, Lionel Debroux, Nerick, Roms, and Stoopid

Guy for their extensive beta-testing and their suggestions.

* Rusty Wagner for Virtual TI (with a bit of OS-side patching, this

tool can do anything for you).

* Romain Ližvin for his documentation on TI-68k files format.

* The authors of the external tools used by the build chain of

FreeFlash, mainly the contributors to TIGCC

( and the author of CodeWorker


Archive mise en ligne par : Flanker
Date de mise en ligne : 18/04/2005 à 01:21:25

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