Langage de programmation utilisé : | ASM Description Complète : | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Well you need a calc (amazing not ?) + a TI-92 II with Fargo II ( + a TI-92 + with DoorsOs II / UniOs / TeOs and ROM v1.0x, v2.0x + a TI-89 with DoorsOs II / UniOs / TeOs and ROM v1.0x, v2.0x
Sorry, but you can't use a normal TI-92 (memory !!).
To get these OS-extender, you can go to:
To get the latest version of sma, check at
---------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARIES: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Just need libraries for TI-92+ or TI-89 : _ filelib v?? _ genlib v0.99.19 _ shrnklib v1.00.P2 _ pk92lib v1.20.P1 recompiled for ROM 2.0x
For TI-92, you need : _ filelib v?? _ genlib v0.99.19 _ shrnklib v1.00.P2 _ pk92lib v1.20.P1 - flib v??
/**********************************************************************\ | | | YOU MUST HAVE THE RIGHT AND THE MOST RECENT VERSIONS OF THE LIBRARIES| | IN ORDER FOR THE GAME TO RUN CORRECTLY. | | | \**********************************************************************/
All levels, graphics, external-sprites will work on either a TI-89, TI-92, or TI-92 Plus. Also, the header of TI-89/92(Plus) level sets must be changed slightly in order for TI-Graph Link(TM) for TI-92 to accept them.
/**********************************************************************\ | | | SO YOU JUST HAVE TO RENAME THE 9XS FILES IN 92S OR 89S !!!!!!! | | | \**********************************************************************/
---------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMORY: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
You need about 80Kb in average to run its program. You need about 60 KB more if you have archived 'sma'. If you want to archive sma, the best way is to use a compressor program such as 'runc' (Get it at You can and SHOULD archive all the files.
If you don't have enought memory free, : + Run it directly under Home Screen without using an explorer + Delete all useless variables. + Archive as variables as possible. + Select only one plane. + Erase 'Monster' (You won't have any monster)
NOTE FOR FARGO II USERS : Although sma doesn't always crash your calc, I recommend to use 'FPL' for executing it. If nothing works, try FPL's [On]+[Esc] shortcut. If you're using FPL, don't hesitate to use it's compression feature.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
First, install the OS-Extender (Fargo, PlusShell, DoorsOS, ...). Read the doc of the OS to install them !
Send : + Main program : sma + Graph files : gfx, gfxruins, baqua, ... + Level files : chaos, wlds, plant, ... + Sprites files : monster
And the libraries (See below).
Finally, press 'sma()' in the home screen to run it.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Levels: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
A world is composed of : + Graphics files : Example : Gfx, gfxruins, baqua, ... + Main Level files : Chaos1 + Sub level files : Chaos2, chaos3, Chaos4 + Sprites/Plug-in files: Monster
In the archive, you have 3 worlds : + Wlds : basic world that I use only for beta testing... (Not very fun). + Chaos : 4 huges zones of 2 acts with no boss. + S2 : Some famous levels :)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- MENU: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The current item is the middle one ! * Press ESC to escape (Return to TI-OS or a shell). * Press Up / Down to select something. * Press F1 or 2nd to select something.
New Game -> Enter a valid file-name for the save-file or hit enter if you don't want to save. -> Select world Load game -> Select save-file.
Options: Speed : Sonic speed (* Sloooww, ** Normal or *** Crazy) Turbo : On (30 Hz) or Off (15 Hz) Plane : 1 Display only first plane / 2 Display both planes.
In the game, you can use the standart virtual pad of GenLib. + Up /Down /Left/ Right .. + '+' or '-' : Adjust the contrast + F1 or 2nd to jump. + Esc to quit. + 'Apps' : pause the game and turn off the calc.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------
'S.M.A.' is a 'Sonic the hedgehod like'. The source code for this game is completely original and was written without knowledge of the source code for any Sega game. (It is really hard to create such a engine ;-) It will be available as soon as the program is finished.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
_GrayScale. _Parallax scrolling ! _Huge levels ! _Hight compression ratio. _World Developement Kit (WDK)
| Archive mise en ligne par : | | Date de mise en ligne : | 3/08/2004 à 09:12:56 | |