[SRC] Tetris v1.30[Archive Ti-Fr v2]
Taille du fichier : 26.144 Ko
Nombre de téléchargements : 1496
Nombre de vues : 10577
Description rapide : UN MUST : tetris : la meilleure version :-)
Auteur de l'archive :
Calculatrices concernées : TI-89 TI-92+
Hardware concernés : HW1 HW2
ROMs (AMS) supportés : AMS1.00~1.05 AMS2.01~2.05 AMS2.07~2.09
Langage de programmation utilisé : ASM
Description Complète : Tetris v1.30

Version 1.30:
-fixed some display bugs on HW2
-runs at the same speed on HW1 and HW2

Version 0.75:
-grayscales now work on HW2 (you have to use the latest libraries, found in Teos package)
-fixed highscores on ROM 2.0x

Version 0.72:
-compatible with new roms
-some minor bugfixes (the Home key doesn't crash the calc anymore)

Version 0.71 is just a recompile for current version of PlusShell and DoorsOS.
I couldn't believe no one had done this yet, so I decided to. (

Ported from Ti-92 by Joel Jordan
Original version Tetris 1.21 by Jimmy MÃ¥rdell

This is, essentially, a nice, clean rip of Jimmy MÃ¥rdell's excellent Tetris 92.
It's been majorly improved since the first release, and now everything in the original
version seems to work fine.

| What's new in .70 |

Things that work
o 1 player mode
o High score table
o Teacher Key (HOME key)
o All normal Keys should work
o Title Screen
o Level/Rows Select
o Two Player mode
o Graphics Data "fixed"

Things that don't work
Well, you tell me... Currently, I need people to test the two player mode for me,
though the code is barely modified from the original 92 version and it should therefore
work fine. I have only tested it with my 89 and 85 at this point, and it gave me no
problems. Whether or not problems might appear with other calcs I do not know.

Required libs

Up Rotate Piece
2nd Rotate Piece
Shift Rotate Piece other way
Down Move the piece faster downwards
Left Move the piece left
Right Move the piece right
Diamond Move the piece all the way down
alpha Pause
ESC Exit
HOME Teacher Key

Other stuff
In order to fit the whole thing onto the screen, I had to shrink the blocks (actually,
it just doesn't display the last two lines). Perhaps this can be rewritten a little to
make the blocks look a little more correct.

This finally got put up on, but I'm leaving it anyway.

First, write key read mask to memory location $600018. Then, wait about 16 nops worth of
time and read from memory location $60001B. This will tell you which keys in the selected
row(s) are turned on or off. Here's the breakdown for you:

Key bit read
Mask bit| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
0 | Up | Left | Down | Right| 2nd |shift |diamond| alpha |
1 |Enter | + | - | * | / | ^ | clear | F5 |
2 | (-) | 3 | 6 | 9 | , | T | <-- | F4 |
3 | . | 2 | 5 | 8 | ) | Z |catalog| F3 |
4 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 7 | ( | Y | Mode | F2 |
5 | Apps |Sto-> | EE | | | = | X | Home | F1 |
6 | ESC |


Version Date Comments
======= ==== ========
0.50 10/15/98 It works! More than that, I can't say

0.60 10/16/98 Fixed title screen, level select, keys mapped
correctly, High score table

0.61 10/25/98 Changed keys around a bit.

0.70 11/1/98 Added two player support.
Graphics data fixed (no clipping
at bottom of sprites)

0.71 6/15/99 No big change. Just recompiled for current
versions of PlusShell and DoorsOS

0.72 12/7/99 Added compatibility with new roms
Some minor bugfixes

0.75 29/9/00 fixed highscores on ROM 2.0x
grayscales work on HW2

1.30 26/9/01 fixed some bugs on HW2
runs at the same speed on HW1 and HW2

Other than that, enjoy!

Questions, comments, etc.
-Joel Jordan
Archive mise en ligne par : Flanker
Date de mise en ligne : 9/07/2004 à 21:52:52

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