[SRC] STAR WARS 1.4 GAMMA[Archive Ti-Fr v2]
Taille du fichier : 58.164 Ko
Nombre de téléchargements : 1224
Nombre de vues : 8785
Description rapide : Une version de phoenix avec d'autre graphismes...
Auteur de l'archive :
Calculatrices concernées : TI-92+ TI-V200
Hardware concernés : Indifférent
ROMs (AMS) supportés : AMS1.00~1.05 AMS2.01~2.05 AMS2.07~2.09
Langage de programmation utilisé : ASM
Description Complète : 5/01/00
Please DO distribute.

In the new version.
This the long awaited 5.2 MOD. There are graphical upgrades and so on. A greyscale mod has been started!!! wait for it!!!

What is this?
THis is a Pheonix 5.2 Total Star Wars Converison. All the Phoenix sprites are replaced by Star Wars Sprites. Therefore instaed of blasting phoenix ships u get the chance of shooting Star Wars ships.

I am now starting work on Pheonix MOD version 6.0 and there will be three player ships. The first one will be an Tie Fighter, the second one will be the X-wing, and the Last one will be the MIllineum FAlcon. So watch out for it. !!!!

The updates and bug fixes will be up on my page so visit it often and the first BETA's on the 5.2 will be out soon.

IF you have suggestions or bugs, email me
Archive mise en ligne par : Flanker
Date de mise en ligne : 9/07/2004 à 21:22:40

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