[SRC] Galaga 2.0.033
Taille du fichier : 14.02 Ko
Nombre de téléchargements : 1298
Nombre de vues : 7262
Description rapide : Un des preimiers Phenix-like, pour TI92
Auteur de l'archive : PatrickD
Calculatrices concernées : TI-92I TI-92II
Hardware concernés : HW1
ROMs (AMS) supportés : Tous (ou non renseigné)
Langage de programmation utilisé : ASM
Description Complète : H Y P E R G A L A G A 9 2 - by Patrick Davidson

---> Introduction

HyperGalaga is a fast, highly intense TI-92 game where you fly a
spaceship and try to destroy evil aliens.

---> Reuqirements

1) A TI-92!
2) The Fargo operating system (get it at
3) About 5K free memory when you copy it to your calculator
4) About 10K more memory when you want to run it
5) The following libraries: FLib, ROMLib, HexLib, SkittlesLib, Skittles2
The first three should be included with Fargo.
SkittlesLib and Skittles2 should be included with HyperGalaga 92.

---> Start-up controls

Cursor pad Select difficulty level
Enter Begin normal game
U Enter secret universe
ESC Chicken out

---> In-game controls

Cursor pad Move your ship
APPS Pause / unpause
F1 Fire phaser
F2 Fire disruptor
F3 Fire multi-pulse
ESC Quick exit
hold down LOCK Allows you to move faster

---> Contacting me

E-Mail :

Anyone who plays this game should send me E-Mail
telling me what they think of it!


---> Statistics
Easy Intermediate Difficult !!
Screen update rate : 30 Hz 45 Hz 45 Hz 45 Hz
Visible play area : 128x127 128x127 128x127 128x127
Number of objects : up to 65 up to 65 up to 65 up to 65
Phaser damage : 3 3 3 -
Disruptor damage : 2 2 2 1
Pulse damage : 2 1 1 1
Enemy pulse damage : 1 1 1 1
Bomb damage : 2 2 2 2
Phaser speed : 60 90 90 -
Disruptor speed : 91 137 137 137
Pulse speed : 108 162 162 162
Enemy pulse speed : 60 - 161 90 - 242 90 - 242 90 - 242
Enemy bomb speed : 60 90 90 90
Your speed : 0 - 85 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127
Small enemy speed : 30 - 85 45 - 127 45 - 127 45 - 127
Large enemy speed : 60 90 90 90
Large enemy firing rate : 56 112 169 169
Small enemy firing rate : up to 56 up to 84 up to 84 up to 84
Score multiplier : 1 2 4 8
Idle players survive : 17.21 sec 11.31 sec 6.39 sec 3.99 sec

---> Version History

Version 0.0.057 (not distributed)

- First release

Version 0.0.066

- Fixed two bugs
- Made enemies shoot more precisely
- Made large enemies drop bombs instead of firing pulses
- Made large enemies fire less rapidly

Version 0.2.005

- Optimized code
- Changed default highscores
- Changed enemies
- Eliminated UFDS

Version 1.0.002 (06-Jun-97)

- Fixed minor collision detection bug (you won't notice any difference)
- Optimized code

Version 1.1.003 (07-Jun-97)
- SkittlesLib now included in distribution
- Enhanced collision detection
- Made phaser more powerful
- Modified multi-pulse (now much more destructive)
- Optimized code

Version 1.2.011 (08-Jun-97)
- Level data now crunched (saves 446 bytes)
- Code optimized a little
- Uses less memory
- Your ship now flashes when hit
- Large enemies show damage when nearly destroyed
- Enemies explode when destroyed

Version 1.3.007 (11-Jun-97)
- Optimized by 122 bytes!
- Changed default hiscores
- Added "quick exit" option

Version 2.0.029
- Removed some unused stuff
- Added multiple difficulty levels
- Optimized code
- Changed numbers from hex to decimal
- Changed multi-pulse
- You can now have 32 bullets instead of only 24
- Changed scoring
- Changed default highscores
- Added second world

Version 2.0.031
- Now you REALLY have 32 bullets

Version 2.0.033 (22-Jun-97)
- Code optimized
Previous versions could slow down briefly when many objects are being
displayed. This should never happen anymore, but if it does, tell me!
- "You asked for it!" mode is even harder!

---> The future of HyperGalaga 92

No major changes are planned for this game! If you have any ideas for
what should be included in HyperGalaga 2.1, E-Mail them to me at! The three things that will NEVER be implemented in
HyperGalaga 92 are sound, grayscale, and link play! I am going to
release a completely new shoot-em-up with grayscale by the end of June.
A platform game and RPG may also be released, but not anytime soon!
Archive mise en ligne par : Flanker
Date de mise en ligne : 16/07/2004 à 17:21:18

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