Langage de programmation utilisé : | ASM Kernel Description Complète : | ************************************************* * * * B I G D Y N A beta 4 * * * *===============================================* * * * by Jean Canazzi - * * * *************************************************
* HW adaptation by Flavien RACINE ( (HW1/HW2/Titanium)
Note about this version : ------------------------- When I started working on Bigdyna, I was thinking of only releasing it once 100% finished. The problem is that I always have news idea, so I finally understood that I would never consider the game like really being "finished". So here is a beta.
What is it ? ------------
Well, as its name indicates it, BigDyna is a clone of the famous game Dynablaster. I think everybody has already played it, so I won't describde it.
Requirements ------------
To run Bigdyna, you need a TI92 I,II or Plus, or a TI89. Depending of the calculator you own, you will need either Fargo or Doorsos installed. The game should also works under Plusshell, although I didn't test it.
You will also need the following libs :
On TI92 Plus / TI89 : userlib graphlib shrnklib
You will also need at least 18 ko to run the game on a TI92 I or II, and at least 24 ko on a TI92 Plus or TI89.
Objectif --------
The game is composed of 8 worlds, each one containing 4 rounds + a boss round. The object of each round is to kill all the monsters in it, then find the exit door.
Controls --------
On a TI92 : Arrows : move the bomber Hand : drop a bomb F1 : trigger bomb Esc : back to the menu
On a TI89 : Arrows : move the bomber 2nd : drop a bomb Diamond : trigger bomb Esc : back to the menu
The menu --------
Once you have launched the program, the main menu will appear. It contain 4 options, that you can select with the "drop bomb" key as indicated above : New : Start a new game Resume : resume a stopped game Random : let you play a random round. after the round is finished however, you'll get back to the main menu. Also, this option won't let you see the boss levels. Quit : ... (I never remember what this option does)
Coming soon -----------
Well, this is a beta. In the next versions, I will add multipayers mode, with a few more bonus specially designed for this mode. However, I can't tell you when it will come (I have so many others projects !).
Bugs ----
If you don't have enough memory to run the game on a TI92 I or II, your calc will crash ! Therefore, don't even try to run it under Fbrowser.
If you find a bug, please repport it to me.
Greetings ---------
I'd like to thanks the following persons. I apologize by advance because I will certainly forget some names. Never mind, nobody reads the greetings :-)
- first my beta testers : Snap, KAKE, and the ones I forget... - David Ellsworth, Xavier Vassor, Rusty Wagner for the assembly support. You are the ones who made all of this possible ! - David Kühling for the great shrinklib compressin tool ! I think that every game programmer should use it ! - Jimmy Mardell for Linelib and the 68K guide - Jonas Minnberg and Rusty Wagner (again) for their great emulators - Roby for the best TI french site ( - all the TI programmers on ICQ for their support (etan21, Fred, Wormhole, xav, Tom...) - ...
Special note about shrnklib : shrnklib is a compression library, that many peoples don't know, but wich provides a very better compression than all the others. For example, in Bigdyna, I compressed all the graphics with it, and got a 50% ratio. With hufflib, I only got 25% ! And shrnklib is only 50 bytes more than hufflib. Good job David ! I think every game programmer should use it.
This list is still in beta stage and is certainly not complete. If I forgot to quote you, send me a bug repport.
How to contact me -----------------
There are at least three ways to contact me :
Mail : ICQ : 36377740 IRC : I sometimes go on #ti. My nick is Blue-Z
By, and have fun with Bigdyna ! | Archive mise en ligne par : | | Date de mise en ligne : | 30/01/2005 à 20:18:30 | |