[SRC] TTools 0.2b
Taille du fichier : 404.589 Ko
Nombre de téléchargements : 1520
Nombre de vues : 11966
Description rapide : Permet de désinstaller un certain nombre de TSR
Auteur de l'archive : Flanker
Calculatrices concernées : TI-89 TI-92+ TI-V200 TI-89Ti
Hardware concernés : HW1 HW2 HW3
ROMs (AMS) supportés : AMS1.00~1.05 AMS2.01~2.05 AMS2.07~2.09 AMS3.00~3.10
Langage de programmation utilisé : ASM Kernel
Description Complète : Program name : TTools 0.2b
Author : Matthieu Gallet (Flanker)
Calculators : TI-89, TI-92Plus, Voyage-200, TI-89 Titanium
Software : AMS 1.00 - 3.01
Hardware : HW 1 - HW 3
Contact me : matthieu _ gallet (@)
Flanker on www.yAronet.cOm/forum.php?s=2 (in French)
www.yAronet.cOm/forum.php?s=489 (in English)

Introduction :

It's a small which can be for
* retrieving some informations about TSRs which have been installed with my UTSRLib library
* deleting these TSRs

If no TSR is installed, the programm can't be launched.

Installation :

You need to send the file .89z (for TI-89s), .9xz (for TI-92+s) or .v2z (for V200s) to your calculator.
To use it, you must install PreOS 0.72 or higher on your calc (
Note that theses files are in fact the same file, so you can send a .89z to a TI92+ :)

Uninstallation :

Juste delete the file from your calc (and your PC)

This code is under the LGPL

you can always find the last version on or on
Archive mise en ligne par : Flanker
Date de mise en ligne : 3/04/2005 à 17:17:47

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